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Location: AZ, United States

Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Paths of the Righteous

Hi Meg,

Yes, I also received a letter from one bartelby schrivener mobonuga,
financial exchequer of the belgian ist national bank in Lagos where
are secreted for one Narimbo Danatarr of whom i am told from whom I
utterly no pun intended decended. so be it. I am to act as a
facilitator in
abeyance and absentee exchequer for transmittal electronically to my
bank of
the tidy sum of 3 million nachorenias, nigerian money printed in lagos
before BEFORE 1989 and therefor inflation proof . huzza, shit such
and tomorrow or mwhen ever it arrives I will go out a buy some friends.

back from east coast and worn down a lot of difficulty with this
account and
smarmie attitude from chaos management neus zeigeist wannabees. thenold
of young bucks with computers whippin up on old drivers. If we stop the
wheels turning this beaucoup account goes under so they eat at the
edges of
our reality and I unfortunately am spending afar too much time thinking
about getting even. but that's fred. maturity takes more energy than I
to expend. or arriving at maturity, but then trucks go over hills and
mountains at 65 mph and with 10 speeds and all the truckin' bozo's are
550 CAT's and 13 apeeds and 74 mph whatever. I am about two miles an
faster than some of rest of swtr drivers so I am having fun.

letter from pat Connor at WVU press sez they aren';t considering any
writers there in posey or poetry as demand is down quite a bit . I am
encouraged he liked my work I sent last year so i will have to get a
edition of radio room out sans Joe dong mao references and w' a
edit. may ghost press it and print and read aroundplaces when I get
time and
sell a little.haven't made it to NYC Open City at all and I am in
during the days but tied up loading. I will try tomorrow to look up
City press. a viable readers market and tied in with other small
presses in
and around NYC, very viable and may be a home for you? I will get
some stuff on City Lights in Berkerly as that may be the only press I
feel comfortable with. theyare heavy on local presence and who has
time there in Azuza street , paid their dues,and all the local stuff
they might be interested in what I have. will be february before I can
an attack. are U counting the daze unti dismebarkation? fromm the great
desert ship Bisbee? Get me a French national passport and I will come
help you clean up and rebuild?

heap o' affection,



Ah yes there it is and they are so beayootiful aren't they, one has to open them up for a while for the wonder potential. Glad to hear you'll have the ghosts do the printing for you but do they know how to read, can they fly? You Fred and sometimes I know all about the flying...on and on but when I mentioned it to the two babies in my care, they seemed not to remember that they could fly. Why do human beings do that you know, forget how to fly in their dreams? Is it because they forget about the abstraction of merely being awake or they just don't know how to say it? Once they learn how to say it they keep it to themselves, the babies. It is a dream of escape really but no one knows the difference anymore...they know it, the kids. One is only one year thus and the other a bit further along the way....we go to the parks to use our mouth parts to taste the swings. Hopefully, they will remember their great aunt Meggie as the one who would swing when they refused. Too much risk of going away completely forever to the sky.
The worst of it is, they will have been validated in their beliefs when I finally do swing away forever. They will remember it that way and then she will somewhere be and not come. Never. For now we just go in between spells and eat from the same bowls and fall on the same stairs. For now.

Tomorrow, it is to the great Bahia Kino with Radi Ann Porter at the helm. We've got the castle all folded together, full of cords and tarps, shovels and pesto.
One week on her favorite beach where she has always wanted to share with us there, the water. She thinks it belongs to her and is so tired of the individual partaking of we go. With cameras and books...for me it is the Cantos, Gravity's Rainbow and the Quran. Cannot go without that you know and the rugs so that I can pray to the Creator near the Mexican sea that he left there for Radi. Saying, here it is...enjoy it for a while. Two dogs will be our gargoyles for the federales and gypsies. My mate is so very jealous of it all as he is stuck in the prison of Riyadh but I told him I'd miss him more because he is less there than he is here. At least here he has a voice on the phone or a smiley on the internet, but there he is just a constant dream and reminder to protect them. Protect them all he says to me as if I am some kind of demon warning system (he knows that I am). The demons down there though are afraid of the Virgin of Magdalena and those in Santa Ana. I cannot wait to be there again in the dusty gas and a taco towns of Sonora. Only Sonora but is there really anything beyond Sonora? You fall to sleep and cannot leave the state of it. That is what the beach is for Radi tells me..for the sleeping. The eating is only for the continuity of the sleeping. At least there we are closer to our hopes of one day seeing the Aztecs. This, we have promised to do if death does not intervene with one of us...and doing these things at our age has become a terminal diagnosis...maybe this will be the last time. We always think of that and then remember the swings that swing aunties away forever. We live in a countdown you know. The darkest star on the brink of radiation over a graveyard of the living...from that short on the view from 16th. Did I tell you?

I live in a Masonic house. Oh it is like driving into a mausoleum...two obelisks at the foot of the driveway...must have been a very big boss indeed to put on such airs. I wonder what kind of sacrifices were practiced here in this house you know, what meetings and organizational see? How the ratings of dingdong have gone down? Nothing is left to say without a confirmation from me that the missive was received. A complete blank save for the few stragglers there hoping he can muster an army against me. I left the Death of Merat taken by Radi Ann on the door and said, see here? Oh..I know the artworks and have seen the paintings in the Louvre ...the Degas are my favorite...his sketches on the corners of his backstages. And I've seen the horses with human faces in the Topkapi. I know what they were saying. They said, you know what we are saying. Simple messages. Things aren't as complicated as they seem you know but there goes the inherent complications...a man named Curtis Faville...somehow famous and I don't really know how..some books perhaps on criticism and then he called me babe. Oh no. Do not call me such a thing and complain about the Tehranians who have banned the Da Vinci Code (which he called an embarrassment when I told him it was not about the sex and murder but what you call, a trade embargo of the highest order..the slap in the face of your dignity kind of thing when the Tehranians say: we do not need to learn how to kill kids in math class you know...we already have had enough of the real brought it to us, remember)....I might stop by and tell him a thing or two before I do the Up and Adam type of things with the kids in a few hours...drag their drowsy selves out of bed so that we can gettyup and go with Radi Ann to the Sonora...who wants to stop off for some home made lunch at a place she has already earmarked for success. We'll have our cameras and there will be no option but for some picture TAKING. You have to be fast when you steal those or they'll get you, the ghosts. The demons will persue you all the way down to the shores.

All for now...I'll write you from there if I can...she says they have a dinghy internet shop there in Kino just like back home in Haris where we used to sit for hours on lazy Saturdays and swat at the flies in order to read what must be read: the mail.
