The Polytheists
Every time a poet does this, they risk quitting forever.
-Darla Whitehead, The Book of Warnings
In the most Oriental chapters of chaos
are the great portals of time, the backwards
and forwards of speech are opened, closed
bang bang bang, interpretation in the breezes.
The dietary is shared with disaster
in the pigment of newsprint and rally.
Who bothers about the senate anymore
when each thing branches into a hundred more,
a very long history of policy is the groundwork
for a mudslide in a mileau of plunder.
There isn't a quick fix for this, there isn't
a new order. There is this right now
in the revocation of prairies, that haze.
Your God and mine. That makes two.
The future isn't written in Latin anymore.
The back stories are:
Evolution isn't negated by Islam or the Quran. It is studied
alongside of the Quran much like a parable would be. We don't
understand this parable though because we cannot verify if
the "paradigm" is what it is unless we see it with our own eyes i.e.
ergo cognito sum.
So, what is the only thing any of us here will actually personally
witness IN OUR LIFETIME regarding evolution? (We have to accept
that what we read is entirely fallible not only due to our own
impotence but the impotence of any given presenter of such
information..we are all equal in that respect).
There is a hadith in which the last prophet (SAW) tells his audience
that none of them would be alive in one hundred years.
What did he mean? Well. Perhaps that we will not be alive in
50,000 years to determine whether or not birds will lose their
ability to fly because the air will become so thick with smoke and
pollution (or any reason you can imagine) and hence evolve into
creatures with perhaps a "new" piece of equipment that will make
them able to bury into holes in the ground. We simply will not be
around to verify it any more than the Greeks are around now to
verify exactly how it is they obtained the information they appear
to have obtained.
So, what is the next question?
What is the only thing we can actually VERIFY right now about the
Theory of Evolution (without a lab, without a book and without even
an idea of the intracacies of various things like the Cambrian
explosion, evolution of stars (due to their distance and the speed
of light even they are being seen by us billions of years in the
past) and the human "missing link" (of which there are only a few
remnants and not even an entire skeleton older than around ten
thousand years)?
We can see:
Is this not what every parable in the Quran and to some extent the
Bible (Torah/Injeel) point out? But especially the Quran which reminds
a person of their own death as often as it reminds us of the death of civilizations
and notes that the animals all expereince "society" as part of their paradigm.
*Which could be construed to mean genocides.
-Darla Whitehead, The Book of Warnings
In the most Oriental chapters of chaos
are the great portals of time, the backwards
and forwards of speech are opened, closed
bang bang bang, interpretation in the breezes.
The dietary is shared with disaster
in the pigment of newsprint and rally.
Who bothers about the senate anymore
when each thing branches into a hundred more,
a very long history of policy is the groundwork
for a mudslide in a mileau of plunder.
There isn't a quick fix for this, there isn't
a new order. There is this right now
in the revocation of prairies, that haze.
Your God and mine. That makes two.
The future isn't written in Latin anymore.
The back stories are:
Evolution isn't negated by Islam or the Quran. It is studied
alongside of the Quran much like a parable would be. We don't
understand this parable though because we cannot verify if
the "paradigm" is what it is unless we see it with our own eyes i.e.
ergo cognito sum.
So, what is the only thing any of us here will actually personally
witness IN OUR LIFETIME regarding evolution? (We have to accept
that what we read is entirely fallible not only due to our own
impotence but the impotence of any given presenter of such
information..we are all equal in that respect).
There is a hadith in which the last prophet (SAW) tells his audience
that none of them would be alive in one hundred years.
What did he mean? Well. Perhaps that we will not be alive in
50,000 years to determine whether or not birds will lose their
ability to fly because the air will become so thick with smoke and
pollution (or any reason you can imagine) and hence evolve into
creatures with perhaps a "new" piece of equipment that will make
them able to bury into holes in the ground. We simply will not be
around to verify it any more than the Greeks are around now to
verify exactly how it is they obtained the information they appear
to have obtained.
So, what is the next question?
What is the only thing we can actually VERIFY right now about the
Theory of Evolution (without a lab, without a book and without even
an idea of the intracacies of various things like the Cambrian
explosion, evolution of stars (due to their distance and the speed
of light even they are being seen by us billions of years in the
past) and the human "missing link" (of which there are only a few
remnants and not even an entire skeleton older than around ten
thousand years)?
We can see:
Is this not what every parable in the Quran and to some extent the
Bible (Torah/Injeel) point out? But especially the Quran which reminds
a person of their own death as often as it reminds us of the death of civilizations
and notes that the animals all expereince "society" as part of their paradigm.
*Which could be construed to mean genocides.
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