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Location: AZ, United States

Monday, August 25, 2014

Letter to You

Letter to You

There are so many of you
I lost count, the financial you
the tragic you, the fingered you,
the you that you tell me is you,
every single thing about you.
I have led you along by the nose
to sniff the traces of you left behind
in snow drifts, women’s panties,
the blood under my fingernails
is distinctly yours.  I’ve wept
in corners near you, pushed
into frenzy after frenzy
and yet still, I cannot find you.
One more time I reach for the file
called you, the Black Swan
it is called, the moment
you dropped the ball

and realize, yes, that is you.


By The Way

Too late a version came close
to recognizing the path
between the decades, you
there absconding with the three
best arbitrations and seven
time-tested suggestions, leave
if you will to do no harm,
build no excess in the examples
with your short and outrageous sleep.
Starlings tucked into the easterly
props are props themselves
all the way from nest to flit,
a wrestle with national slaves
as sacred thoughts stream and gather.
Posterity wears our clothes backward,
while books struggle to cash-in.
An awareness of you in the layers
concocts a new revelation,
tight old secrets with lop-sided hats
hold up in transit

between ticket fare and gas station,
play rummy with old dolls and dragons

in the corner behind the hat stand.
The yawns knock over whole weeks at a time
while eons shuffle between our dust and ankles.

Alas, August 2014.  This has been the year that it all began to make sense...finally and without a doubt.


The Dog Bark Of Night

Have you fallen asleep
in someone's arms or
in the dog bark of night,
the cock crow of morn?
The planes plunge
in the night airs,
engines melding
with star lit sky.
Where are you?
Cars roam aimlessly,
this one a fan belt
that one a floppy tire,

searching, howling.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Theory of Snow

The night was dark, really dark.
I stopped above the round about
and hurried to urniate
fearful of the wild pigs, omnivores
that stag along the streets
at night. The deer wander through
the hedges to gape and yawn.
The big cats and bears are still
one range away in their territory
where the roads washed away
in a hundred year rain last summer.

When will it be the last time?

This brain of mine is imagination,
corroborated and clean, full
of the most drastic information.
Women here are flag lace and spread eagled,
I'm not used to it anymore,
not used to the going feral.

This snow is a bright lozenge
in the night, hoped for, planned out.
Every piece falls conspicuously
through the lamplight as I wait
for the dragnet of your verbs,
the tragedy of all is well.

No one is well now, are they?

Books I've Read

The Glorious Quran
Al Nahjul Al Balagha (The Peak of Eloquence)
The French Lieutenant's Woman
Sister Carrie
Anna Karenina
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Practically everything by Collette
Fear of Flying
The Second Sex
On Photography
Jane Eyre
Far From the Madding Crowd
In Praise of Older Women
Zen and the Art of Motorcyle Maintenance
The Old Man and the Sea
Ecce Homo
Thus Spake Zarathustra
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
The Heart of the Matter
The End of the Affair
Practically all prose written by Jorge Luis Borges
The Divine Comedy
Nothing by Shakespeare
The Heart of Darkness
A Brief History of Time
The Count of Monte Cristo
Tender is the Night
Madame Bovary
Lady Chatterly's Lover
A Farewell to Arms
The Prince
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Tropic of Cancer
Henry and June
The Lonely Hearts Club
Catcher in the Rye
The Sun Also Rises be continued

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Thermohaline energy transfers and global warming:

Another great unknown was the interaction between currents like the
Gulf Stream and the giant eddies that the currents spun off as they
meandered. Evidence of these broad, sluggishly rotating columns of
water had turned up during a survey voyage across the North Atlantic
in 1960. This was confirmed by an international campaign carried out
by six ships and two aircraft in the early 1970s — another example
of how studying ocean phenomena needed international cooperation.
The survey discovered eddies bigger than Belgium that plowed through
the seas for months. What oceanographers had supposed were static
differences in the oceans between their sparse measuring-points, had
often actually been changes over time, not over space.
The oceanographers had been vaguely aware that when meteorologists
built atmospheric models, they included the energy carried by wind
eddies as an important factor (physical oceanography, as one
practitioner remarked, was "to some extent a mirror of
meteorology"). Yet it was astounding to see what prodigious
quantities of heat, salt, and kinetic energy the ocean eddies
carried. Indeed nearly all the energy in the ocean system was in
these middle-sized movements, not in the ocean currents at all.

He has set free the two seas meeting together. There is a barrier
between them. They do not transgress. (Quran, 55:19-20)

He is the one who has set free the two kinds of water, one sweet
and palatable, and the other salty and bitter. And He has made
between them a barrier and a forbidding partition. (Quran, 25:53

Or (the unbelievers’ state) is like the darkness in a deep sea. It
is covered by waves, above which are waves, above which are clouds.
Darknesses, one above another. If a man stretches out his hand, he
cannot see it.... (Quran, 24:40)

Water is not like air, and computers that could handle meteorological computations were far too slow to work through comparable models for this swirling ocean "weather." As one ocean modeler complained in 1974, "Extensive research efforts have not yet yielded much more than a greater appreciation of the difficulty of these questions."(29) To get a handle on the problem, oceanographers had to understand the oceans from top to bottom. But they had little data on the depths — the occasional expeditions, retrieving bottles of water here and there from kilometers down, were like a few blind men trying to map a vast prairie. Oceanographers liked to remark that we had better maps of the face of the Moon than of the deep sea. After all, there was little economic incentive, nor much military interest either, in studying the colossal slow movements of water, salts, and heat through the abyss.

Monday, January 01, 2007

News At Six

The night is just as cold
when you wait as when you don't,
it conceals the shadows
when the sunshine won't.
My sky is prettier at six
performing all those dying tricks,
so perfect it can make me cry
as on the stars I spy and spy.
No one can tell me a single thing
about fin and leg and wing
without the tongue and mouth
in a breath gone south.

I guess the world is a sadder place
as shame beats steady on the clock's old face.

I read a pome about a hungover gent
whose bed was full of navel lint
and parched old birds he keeps talking to
when no one else will listen or do.

Friday, December 22, 2006

An Ode Called Where

Where do the birds go to die?
There should be great stacks,
whole pyramids of bird corpses, and others
pyramids of different kinds corresponding
to the likeness of all of them, the animals
all the sea of things that breathe,
there they are somewhere and somewhere.....
They go there to sleep in that eternity,
a statue place where monuments cover
the avenue in shade and formula, the girl
with a hoop runs towards that point
following the shadows she haslearned by touch, the man
with a peculiar hat tipped slightly, avoids
his journey by standing like that, an arc
made of bird feathers on the cloth of bird skin
where they've all gone to simply be, flattened
into the thought that light is transparent
as much as the flight of where they go.
Watch how they go there all the time, watch
through the trees, the descent, the vanishing.

The Problem With Evolution

First, we muslims accept evidence of evolution and do not reject any of it but that means we accept that it is partial and not complete. Like many things. But let me just point out what is known to be a very significant flaw in the theory along the lines of Einstein's flaw of "God doesn't play dice."

It is such that the theory depends on things which were available at the time and cannot include what is available now, technologically speaking and that would be what convicts people of long ago crimes: DNA evidence.

The theory is you see dependent on nature itself which is only a reality available to us via our five senses. It states that evolutionary changes are due entirely to environmental changes that hence, influence the survival or extinction of species: Survival of the fittest. This in turn poses the logical fallacy inherent even to Darwin in his own time because of: The Cambrian Explosion.

Thing is, he didn't know what the problem actually was because he didn't have: DNA evidence.

He only had some experiments with hybridization and pea pods.

Now that we do however there has erupted a flurry of argumentation and apologetics (a kind of well "if he had known this, this is what his theory would have been" kind of thing). But he didn't and the study of evolution proceeded unencumbered by: DNA evidence.

The problem now is related to a very large body of evidence (as opposed to the negligible evidence of human fossilization) called: The Cambrian Explosion.

The Cambrian Explosion is such that ALL modern species (except for two phyla) came into existence at the same time (although shale fossils can be misconstrued in support of or against d/t the multiple factors involving: Plate tectonics (another thing Darwin didn't have a clear idea about but not as influential in the scheme called: Survival of the fittest).

How did these species evolve so rapidly and sans evidence in the millions of years preceeding their very well documented evidences in the fossil record of the Cambrian? Is it in fact another case of one of those crazy meteor/volcanic impacts so known to excuse "gaps" in the study of such an important idea as evolution? Possibly and it isn't rejected but must be questioned and questioned thoroughly because this type of thing was EASILY proven to have helped extinct the dinosaurs but evolutionists don't promote this certainty as often because then they'd have to explain why the other certainty cannot be found: another and another "meteoric" event related to gaps of information. Even more amusing is the logic that would indicate that such a grave condition that would eliminate fossil evidence of the few minutes to seconds or the millenia (take your pick) prior to the Cambrian Explosion would have basically also have destroyed the DNA whether it existed or not or was expressed or not. We could of course assume that for one moment in history, time actually ran backwards but that is just puredy silly isn't it. The Dinosaur extinction is due to multiple factors not the least of which is the layer of volcanic matter which coincides with their extinction but it is also followed by "interim types" which the Cambrian is so lacking in those few seconds prior to that big clock going BANG BANG, YER DEAD. and conversely in this case goes BONG BONG, YER ALIVE. Time though doesn't behave like that and what remains is carbon and/or iron...or it is absent in the history of existence and accepted or studied or pried open like all those clams that started without much calcium or phosphates to speak of because those things come from bone material. They just got shells for no apparent reason it seems. Either that or a meteor composed of so many tons of calcium phosphates hit the earth after traversing the Seven Heavens (seven atmospheric layers) and splattered itself across all the Seven Seas and Seven Firmaments (not the changing Seven continental masses and Seas (no seven bodies of water are mentioned in the Quran and it is a very NOTABLE exception in the idea of sevens)) that have changed considerably over time due to plate tectonics but the Seven Firmaments related to the Seven layers of the earth's crust which is also now, a known thing via doppler evidence and is IMMUTABLE, as is the Quran as it often suggests being a book that transcends all times and all peoples and all other written evidences.

The theory to explain the Cambrian Explosion that most interests me as a metaphysical journalist is the one that supposes that species HAD THE DNA PRIOR TO THE EXPRESSION OF IT. In light of what we know about DNA it is not only ridiculous but obviously false. It isn't possible and it is easily provable: take a bird and study the DNA and find out if there is a gene there that will enable the bird to develop the ability to dig holes and live like rats in the event of the loss of their ability to fly or as the 'fish to bird' analagy goes, the loss of their actual 'wings' as the fish lost not only their gills but developed the ability to fly without any evidence suggesting that they even developed legs first to take off. Sheesh. We all know (certainly) that only bones fossilize and all Kentucky Fried Chicken can one day possibly end up as fossilized evidence. Therefore, where are all those fish legs that necessarily developed as part of what we all also know to be true: small accelerations necessary for a bird to take off not to mention a completely different type of ventilation system which is both ventilation and a means of suspension in those frail little beings called: sparrows, larks, catbirds, woodpeckers and not penguins, dodo birds or the famous ostriches we all know and love to liken to "people who put their head in the sand".
Seems one bird in particular is getting ready to dig those holes and what a fine joke the ostrich is!

The very very big contradiction in this is very hush hush you know. Kind of like digital technology, you don't find out about it as a consumer until they already have a better "model" and you as a consumer have waited all that time to purchase something (when the price goes down as the market is "saturated") only to find it is obscelete weeks after you finally buy it. The contradiction of this "pre existing" DNA is not so much contradictory but it helps evolutionists in their battle that necessarily stems from Judeo-Christian-Secular "evolution only" or "creation only" mind experiments and provides WAY too much evidence for those who are creationist-only thinkers. The evolutionists which control the media however do not promote such ideas fairly and when they do, they inevitably connect them to "mythologies" so as not to disturb the rather delicate balance of their arguments. Luckily, we muslims are not trapped in that paradigm and have our very own: neither conclusion excludes the other. They are compatible with all the givens.

Interim creatures are a very big burden when one cannot see their bones either as stones or as iron and no where is it more obviously a problem than in their absence for a whole 500 million years just prior to the Big Bang of All Phyla.

The question any consumer of "evolution only" arguments must simply be instructed that they need to answer a big big question and that question would be: where are all the dead creatures with the pre existing DNA located i.e. as fossilized evidences (interim creatures, even ONE)? (The Quran says that even if Judgement Day is so far in the future you will still be "resurrected" even though you be only "stones and iron" you will still be raised in all of your complexity dictated to you by your: DNA). Oddly enough, we all will one day turn into iron. How many people know that! No one because no humans have fossilized into iron yet. Alot of other things have though and it is the single leading cause of "dental decay" of the ancient worms and ferns that rely on hybridization instead of DNA i.e. seeds of any variety including human seeds and prevents accurate procurmement of carbon evidence due to the heavy concentration of iron pyrite in fossilized remains that far, far predate any human fossilized evidence (so far and this whole post could be entirely negated with the discovery of one single ironized human skeleton but I doubt that is gonna happen).

I'd say that it (pre existing DNA that is not expressed for many generations and in this case it is something like 500 million years, phew! long time that is!) is almost as ridiculous as any other thing that a person could suggest is: ridiculous. It might not be then. It might just be something no one wants to tell you about because they simply cannot prove anything like the interim creatures that dictate the existence of their progeny. Or something that when they tell you about it they use jargon that is incredibly difficult to understand and fail to translate it into USA TODAY-ese. By the time they tell you in USA TODAY-ese however isn't very soon the way I see it. Not now and perhaps ever if things in Iraq keep going the way they are going and Israel does something nutty like bomb an Iranian nuclear facility like they bombed an Iraqi one without "US" authority to do so or knowledge of their plans (yeah maybe but maybe not, who knows!).

Darwin, had he examined the Quran would have found DNA there but apparently it wasn't his thing either: religion. And even less so: religion related to dark skinned peoples. And to be fair to the "Old Testament" types of beings, the Bible has a clear cut case of "genetic engineering" that occurred very early on when (Jacob I believe ) one fellow in there managed to "outbreed" his father in law and bilk him out of a large number of sheep that he was tending as part of a "marriage deal". The guy basically noticed how sheep color was related to number and part of the contract was that he could take only the solid sheep (or white or brown sheep, I forget) and his father in law got "all the rest". As a sheperd, he herded certain types of sheep to certain areas and "all others" to other areas and successfully bred more sheep for his own benefit and to the detriment of his well intentioned father in law.

Amazing really when you think about it.

Who cares about that!

Clearly, who can state what must be stated?

Not many and certainly not those two!

Upcoming though in 4am Poetry Review and I will receive two hard copies.

Upcoming in Voices, two poems The Flood (a tsunami poem) and T'Bird at the Gila which is about a drunkard arriving to tell the mountains about himself via his own vomitus.

I couldn't be more pleased and perhaps it is such that those two submissions are my last. There is still another in the wings somewhere...all submitted prior to horrible behaviors elsewhere which predate the Israeli Summer Invasion by at least a "light year's worth" of recognizable human time which is evidenced only by our experience of it. Those will most likely be all that remains of my "adventure" in the world of poetry. The rest will be submitted only here and at indefinite interims and the entire body of work, to the Creator. I credit this projected silence to "redacted" who cannot find it within himself to shut his oral cavity long enough to engage his brain. It is fine however to see re-runs in the art of "recruitment" to the school of "redacted" and know that patterns in nature do exist and can be identified for what they are.

Allah Akbar and Allah Kareem for rescuing me from the so called rescuers.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

This Is The Longer Farther

The poem that got him into heaven
with apologies to Whitman
spoke of a desert watering hole;
all God's creatures crying in thirst.
He must have eye-watered while he wrote it
laughed when it was published
in the local rag. He must have laughed.
Not loved either but published finally.
His life story on the front page
with apologies – Lili Marlene;
the Aleutians, the family part of mining.
Part one concludes.


Here is the day he was discharged
honorably from eight years of his life,
a wallet sized picture of a road grader in microfiche.


This is the time when he leapt
like the elk over the Impala at Tonto,
my body waiting below in the gully for transport
between my sister's big breasts under
a Catholic style shirtfront as she held me in c-spine.
Those were good times yes? A father saving a daughter,
a sister to lean on. A hospital to go to.


Back in the washroom he kept the nuts and bolts.
Jar lids screwed to the bottoms of cupboards,
nailed the latch back into place on the back door
broken from the banging.
He fixed the washer with his specs on,
perched low on his nose, his eyes peeking over them.
We ate alot of spuds for dinner, he liked them.


Right there above his feathery celtic brow
was a hole that was too small to hold a bullet,
a bull's eye and in the snapshot of his dead body
I noticed it still. As large as ever.


She came over for a spell to sit at the dinner table
tell stories with certain embellishments.
The one where his mother had an ax to grind,
grandpa's mistress out in the valley, some other children
we are related to called the Driggers.
How mean grandma got over that. How she hit with a crutch.
It is strange how long one can remember, how details
hidden come to the forefront in Riyadh,
long distance sisterhood and her swollen ankles
hurting from the flight. It matters –
because I never knew.


Just a piece of metal, a broken one now
but you are okay, you are okay. Driving isn't
always easy on Laundry Hill "but you are okay."
The new brougham wholly dented fender to rear.
It was all a daughter ever wanted to hear and
caught me a little off guard. Mom advised:
You've got to tell your father, not me.
It'll be good for the both of you.

I think it was our only conversation
because he saved up the rest of his talk
for that poem, to get him into heaven.
He had a certain kind of self-confidence
you get from fighting in a war.


We were in the lumber yard,
I was holding a grape Nehi,
Red was adding up the total –
two by fours and four by fours.
good for killing sick and rabid bats.
We tooled around town like that for a couple years
when he was sober, preparing to die,
a pause he was taking between drinks –
about five years of dry wall and fixing the electric,
balancing on ladders, picking stucco out of my eye.
He'd take a hit of oxygen between corners.
Sometimes I held a hammer or a jar of nails
taken from the washroom. Then I grew up
all of a sudden and he got mean about it,
decided to drink himself to death
instead of shoot the bastard.
And he did. May 23 to May 23
but they got it backwards at the printers:

b. 1982 - d.1913

I've got it here in his mother's jewelry box:
absolute proof. I look at it sometimes
and think about the wars.


His poem is somewhere else
yellowed and out-of-date
with apologies. I keep writing it,
longer, farther.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Polytheists

Every time a poet does this, they risk quitting forever.
-Darla Whitehead, The Book of Warnings

In the most Oriental chapters of chaos
are the great portals of time, the backwards
and forwards of speech are opened, closed
bang bang bang, interpretation in the breezes.
The dietary is shared with disaster
in the pigment of newsprint and rally.
Who bothers about the senate anymore
when each thing branches into a hundred more,
a very long history of policy is the groundwork
for a mudslide in a mileau of plunder.
There isn't a quick fix for this, there isn't
a new order. There is this right now
in the revocation of prairies, that haze.
Your God and mine. That makes two.
The future isn't written in Latin anymore.

The back stories are:

Evolution isn't negated by Islam or the Quran. It is studied
alongside of the Quran much like a parable would be. We don't
understand this parable though because we cannot verify if
the "paradigm" is what it is unless we see it with our own eyes i.e.
ergo cognito sum.

So, what is the only thing any of us here will actually personally
witness IN OUR LIFETIME regarding evolution? (We have to accept
that what we read is entirely fallible not only due to our own
impotence but the impotence of any given presenter of such
information..we are all equal in that respect).

There is a hadith in which the last prophet (SAW) tells his audience
that none of them would be alive in one hundred years.

What did he mean? Well. Perhaps that we will not be alive in
50,000 years to determine whether or not birds will lose their
ability to fly because the air will become so thick with smoke and
pollution (or any reason you can imagine) and hence evolve into
creatures with perhaps a "new" piece of equipment that will make
them able to bury into holes in the ground. We simply will not be
around to verify it any more than the Greeks are around now to
verify exactly how it is they obtained the information they appear
to have obtained.

So, what is the next question?

What is the only thing we can actually VERIFY right now about the
Theory of Evolution (without a lab, without a book and without even
an idea of the intracacies of various things like the Cambrian
explosion, evolution of stars (due to their distance and the speed
of light even they are being seen by us billions of years in the
past) and the human "missing link" (of which there are only a few
remnants and not even an entire skeleton older than around ten
thousand years)?

We can see:


Is this not what every parable in the Quran and to some extent the
Bible (Torah/Injeel) point out? But especially the Quran which reminds
a person of their own death as often as it reminds us of the death of civilizations
and notes that the animals all expereince "society" as part of their paradigm.

*Which could be construed to mean genocides.