The Problem With Evolution
First, we muslims accept evidence of evolution and do not reject any of it but that means we accept that it is partial and not complete. Like many things. But let me just point out what is known to be a very significant flaw in the theory along the lines of Einstein's flaw of "God doesn't play dice."
It is such that the theory depends on things which were available at the time and cannot include what is available now, technologically speaking and that would be what convicts people of long ago crimes: DNA evidence.
The theory is you see dependent on nature itself which is only a reality available to us via our five senses. It states that evolutionary changes are due entirely to environmental changes that hence, influence the survival or extinction of species: Survival of the fittest. This in turn poses the logical fallacy inherent even to Darwin in his own time because of: The Cambrian Explosion.
Thing is, he didn't know what the problem actually was because he didn't have: DNA evidence.
He only had some experiments with hybridization and pea pods.
Now that we do however there has erupted a flurry of argumentation and apologetics (a kind of well "if he had known this, this is what his theory would have been" kind of thing). But he didn't and the study of evolution proceeded unencumbered by: DNA evidence.
The problem now is related to a very large body of evidence (as opposed to the negligible evidence of human fossilization) called: The Cambrian Explosion.
The Cambrian Explosion is such that ALL modern species (except for two phyla) came into existence at the same time (although shale fossils can be misconstrued in support of or against d/t the multiple factors involving: Plate tectonics (another thing Darwin didn't have a clear idea about but not as influential in the scheme called: Survival of the fittest).
How did these species evolve so rapidly and sans evidence in the millions of years preceeding their very well documented evidences in the fossil record of the Cambrian? Is it in fact another case of one of those crazy meteor/volcanic impacts so known to excuse "gaps" in the study of such an important idea as evolution? Possibly and it isn't rejected but must be questioned and questioned thoroughly because this type of thing was EASILY proven to have helped extinct the dinosaurs but evolutionists don't promote this certainty as often because then they'd have to explain why the other certainty cannot be found: another and another "meteoric" event related to gaps of information. Even more amusing is the logic that would indicate that such a grave condition that would eliminate fossil evidence of the few minutes to seconds or the millenia (take your pick) prior to the Cambrian Explosion would have basically also have destroyed the DNA whether it existed or not or was expressed or not. We could of course assume that for one moment in history, time actually ran backwards but that is just puredy silly isn't it. The Dinosaur extinction is due to multiple factors not the least of which is the layer of volcanic matter which coincides with their extinction but it is also followed by "interim types" which the Cambrian is so lacking in those few seconds prior to that big clock going BANG BANG, YER DEAD. and conversely in this case goes BONG BONG, YER ALIVE. Time though doesn't behave like that and what remains is carbon and/or iron...or it is absent in the history of existence and accepted or studied or pried open like all those clams that started without much calcium or phosphates to speak of because those things come from bone material. They just got shells for no apparent reason it seems. Either that or a meteor composed of so many tons of calcium phosphates hit the earth after traversing the Seven Heavens (seven atmospheric layers) and splattered itself across all the Seven Seas and Seven Firmaments (not the changing Seven continental masses and Seas (no seven bodies of water are mentioned in the Quran and it is a very NOTABLE exception in the idea of sevens)) that have changed considerably over time due to plate tectonics but the Seven Firmaments related to the Seven layers of the earth's crust which is also now, a known thing via doppler evidence and is IMMUTABLE, as is the Quran as it often suggests being a book that transcends all times and all peoples and all other written evidences.
The theory to explain the Cambrian Explosion that most interests me as a metaphysical journalist is the one that supposes that species HAD THE DNA PRIOR TO THE EXPRESSION OF IT. In light of what we know about DNA it is not only ridiculous but obviously false. It isn't possible and it is easily provable: take a bird and study the DNA and find out if there is a gene there that will enable the bird to develop the ability to dig holes and live like rats in the event of the loss of their ability to fly or as the 'fish to bird' analagy goes, the loss of their actual 'wings' as the fish lost not only their gills but developed the ability to fly without any evidence suggesting that they even developed legs first to take off. Sheesh. We all know (certainly) that only bones fossilize and all Kentucky Fried Chicken can one day possibly end up as fossilized evidence. Therefore, where are all those fish legs that necessarily developed as part of what we all also know to be true: small accelerations necessary for a bird to take off not to mention a completely different type of ventilation system which is both ventilation and a means of suspension in those frail little beings called: sparrows, larks, catbirds, woodpeckers and not penguins, dodo birds or the famous ostriches we all know and love to liken to "people who put their head in the sand".
Seems one bird in particular is getting ready to dig those holes and what a fine joke the ostrich is!
The very very big contradiction in this is very hush hush you know. Kind of like digital technology, you don't find out about it as a consumer until they already have a better "model" and you as a consumer have waited all that time to purchase something (when the price goes down as the market is "saturated") only to find it is obscelete weeks after you finally buy it. The contradiction of this "pre existing" DNA is not so much contradictory but it helps evolutionists in their battle that necessarily stems from Judeo-Christian-Secular "evolution only" or "creation only" mind experiments and provides WAY too much evidence for those who are creationist-only thinkers. The evolutionists which control the media however do not promote such ideas fairly and when they do, they inevitably connect them to "mythologies" so as not to disturb the rather delicate balance of their arguments. Luckily, we muslims are not trapped in that paradigm and have our very own: neither conclusion excludes the other. They are compatible with all the givens.
Interim creatures are a very big burden when one cannot see their bones either as stones or as iron and no where is it more obviously a problem than in their absence for a whole 500 million years just prior to the Big Bang of All Phyla.
The question any consumer of "evolution only" arguments must simply be instructed that they need to answer a big big question and that question would be: where are all the dead creatures with the pre existing DNA located i.e. as fossilized evidences (interim creatures, even ONE)? (The Quran says that even if Judgement Day is so far in the future you will still be "resurrected" even though you be only "stones and iron" you will still be raised in all of your complexity dictated to you by your: DNA). Oddly enough, we all will one day turn into iron. How many people know that! No one because no humans have fossilized into iron yet. Alot of other things have though and it is the single leading cause of "dental decay" of the ancient worms and ferns that rely on hybridization instead of DNA i.e. seeds of any variety including human seeds and prevents accurate procurmement of carbon evidence due to the heavy concentration of iron pyrite in fossilized remains that far, far predate any human fossilized evidence (so far and this whole post could be entirely negated with the discovery of one single ironized human skeleton but I doubt that is gonna happen).
I'd say that it (pre existing DNA that is not expressed for many generations and in this case it is something like 500 million years, phew! long time that is!) is almost as ridiculous as any other thing that a person could suggest is: ridiculous. It might not be then. It might just be something no one wants to tell you about because they simply cannot prove anything like the interim creatures that dictate the existence of their progeny. Or something that when they tell you about it they use jargon that is incredibly difficult to understand and fail to translate it into USA TODAY-ese. By the time they tell you in USA TODAY-ese however isn't very soon the way I see it. Not now and perhaps ever if things in Iraq keep going the way they are going and Israel does something nutty like bomb an Iranian nuclear facility like they bombed an Iraqi one without "US" authority to do so or knowledge of their plans (yeah maybe but maybe not, who knows!).
Darwin, had he examined the Quran would have found DNA there but apparently it wasn't his thing either: religion. And even less so: religion related to dark skinned peoples. And to be fair to the "Old Testament" types of beings, the Bible has a clear cut case of "genetic engineering" that occurred very early on when (Jacob I believe ) one fellow in there managed to "outbreed" his father in law and bilk him out of a large number of sheep that he was tending as part of a "marriage deal". The guy basically noticed how sheep color was related to number and part of the contract was that he could take only the solid sheep (or white or brown sheep, I forget) and his father in law got "all the rest". As a sheperd, he herded certain types of sheep to certain areas and "all others" to other areas and successfully bred more sheep for his own benefit and to the detriment of his well intentioned father in law.
Amazing really when you think about it.
It is such that the theory depends on things which were available at the time and cannot include what is available now, technologically speaking and that would be what convicts people of long ago crimes: DNA evidence.
The theory is you see dependent on nature itself which is only a reality available to us via our five senses. It states that evolutionary changes are due entirely to environmental changes that hence, influence the survival or extinction of species: Survival of the fittest. This in turn poses the logical fallacy inherent even to Darwin in his own time because of: The Cambrian Explosion.
Thing is, he didn't know what the problem actually was because he didn't have: DNA evidence.
He only had some experiments with hybridization and pea pods.
Now that we do however there has erupted a flurry of argumentation and apologetics (a kind of well "if he had known this, this is what his theory would have been" kind of thing). But he didn't and the study of evolution proceeded unencumbered by: DNA evidence.
The problem now is related to a very large body of evidence (as opposed to the negligible evidence of human fossilization) called: The Cambrian Explosion.
The Cambrian Explosion is such that ALL modern species (except for two phyla) came into existence at the same time (although shale fossils can be misconstrued in support of or against d/t the multiple factors involving: Plate tectonics (another thing Darwin didn't have a clear idea about but not as influential in the scheme called: Survival of the fittest).
How did these species evolve so rapidly and sans evidence in the millions of years preceeding their very well documented evidences in the fossil record of the Cambrian? Is it in fact another case of one of those crazy meteor/volcanic impacts so known to excuse "gaps" in the study of such an important idea as evolution? Possibly and it isn't rejected but must be questioned and questioned thoroughly because this type of thing was EASILY proven to have helped extinct the dinosaurs but evolutionists don't promote this certainty as often because then they'd have to explain why the other certainty cannot be found: another and another "meteoric" event related to gaps of information. Even more amusing is the logic that would indicate that such a grave condition that would eliminate fossil evidence of the few minutes to seconds or the millenia (take your pick) prior to the Cambrian Explosion would have basically also have destroyed the DNA whether it existed or not or was expressed or not. We could of course assume that for one moment in history, time actually ran backwards but that is just puredy silly isn't it. The Dinosaur extinction is due to multiple factors not the least of which is the layer of volcanic matter which coincides with their extinction but it is also followed by "interim types" which the Cambrian is so lacking in those few seconds prior to that big clock going BANG BANG, YER DEAD. and conversely in this case goes BONG BONG, YER ALIVE. Time though doesn't behave like that and what remains is carbon and/or iron...or it is absent in the history of existence and accepted or studied or pried open like all those clams that started without much calcium or phosphates to speak of because those things come from bone material. They just got shells for no apparent reason it seems. Either that or a meteor composed of so many tons of calcium phosphates hit the earth after traversing the Seven Heavens (seven atmospheric layers) and splattered itself across all the Seven Seas and Seven Firmaments (not the changing Seven continental masses and Seas (no seven bodies of water are mentioned in the Quran and it is a very NOTABLE exception in the idea of sevens)) that have changed considerably over time due to plate tectonics but the Seven Firmaments related to the Seven layers of the earth's crust which is also now, a known thing via doppler evidence and is IMMUTABLE, as is the Quran as it often suggests being a book that transcends all times and all peoples and all other written evidences.
The theory to explain the Cambrian Explosion that most interests me as a metaphysical journalist is the one that supposes that species HAD THE DNA PRIOR TO THE EXPRESSION OF IT. In light of what we know about DNA it is not only ridiculous but obviously false. It isn't possible and it is easily provable: take a bird and study the DNA and find out if there is a gene there that will enable the bird to develop the ability to dig holes and live like rats in the event of the loss of their ability to fly or as the 'fish to bird' analagy goes, the loss of their actual 'wings' as the fish lost not only their gills but developed the ability to fly without any evidence suggesting that they even developed legs first to take off. Sheesh. We all know (certainly) that only bones fossilize and all Kentucky Fried Chicken can one day possibly end up as fossilized evidence. Therefore, where are all those fish legs that necessarily developed as part of what we all also know to be true: small accelerations necessary for a bird to take off not to mention a completely different type of ventilation system which is both ventilation and a means of suspension in those frail little beings called: sparrows, larks, catbirds, woodpeckers and not penguins, dodo birds or the famous ostriches we all know and love to liken to "people who put their head in the sand".
Seems one bird in particular is getting ready to dig those holes and what a fine joke the ostrich is!
The very very big contradiction in this is very hush hush you know. Kind of like digital technology, you don't find out about it as a consumer until they already have a better "model" and you as a consumer have waited all that time to purchase something (when the price goes down as the market is "saturated") only to find it is obscelete weeks after you finally buy it. The contradiction of this "pre existing" DNA is not so much contradictory but it helps evolutionists in their battle that necessarily stems from Judeo-Christian-Secular "evolution only" or "creation only" mind experiments and provides WAY too much evidence for those who are creationist-only thinkers. The evolutionists which control the media however do not promote such ideas fairly and when they do, they inevitably connect them to "mythologies" so as not to disturb the rather delicate balance of their arguments. Luckily, we muslims are not trapped in that paradigm and have our very own: neither conclusion excludes the other. They are compatible with all the givens.
Interim creatures are a very big burden when one cannot see their bones either as stones or as iron and no where is it more obviously a problem than in their absence for a whole 500 million years just prior to the Big Bang of All Phyla.
The question any consumer of "evolution only" arguments must simply be instructed that they need to answer a big big question and that question would be: where are all the dead creatures with the pre existing DNA located i.e. as fossilized evidences (interim creatures, even ONE)? (The Quran says that even if Judgement Day is so far in the future you will still be "resurrected" even though you be only "stones and iron" you will still be raised in all of your complexity dictated to you by your: DNA). Oddly enough, we all will one day turn into iron. How many people know that! No one because no humans have fossilized into iron yet. Alot of other things have though and it is the single leading cause of "dental decay" of the ancient worms and ferns that rely on hybridization instead of DNA i.e. seeds of any variety including human seeds and prevents accurate procurmement of carbon evidence due to the heavy concentration of iron pyrite in fossilized remains that far, far predate any human fossilized evidence (so far and this whole post could be entirely negated with the discovery of one single ironized human skeleton but I doubt that is gonna happen).
I'd say that it (pre existing DNA that is not expressed for many generations and in this case it is something like 500 million years, phew! long time that is!) is almost as ridiculous as any other thing that a person could suggest is: ridiculous. It might not be then. It might just be something no one wants to tell you about because they simply cannot prove anything like the interim creatures that dictate the existence of their progeny. Or something that when they tell you about it they use jargon that is incredibly difficult to understand and fail to translate it into USA TODAY-ese. By the time they tell you in USA TODAY-ese however isn't very soon the way I see it. Not now and perhaps ever if things in Iraq keep going the way they are going and Israel does something nutty like bomb an Iranian nuclear facility like they bombed an Iraqi one without "US" authority to do so or knowledge of their plans (yeah maybe but maybe not, who knows!).
Darwin, had he examined the Quran would have found DNA there but apparently it wasn't his thing either: religion. And even less so: religion related to dark skinned peoples. And to be fair to the "Old Testament" types of beings, the Bible has a clear cut case of "genetic engineering" that occurred very early on when (Jacob I believe ) one fellow in there managed to "outbreed" his father in law and bilk him out of a large number of sheep that he was tending as part of a "marriage deal". The guy basically noticed how sheep color was related to number and part of the contract was that he could take only the solid sheep (or white or brown sheep, I forget) and his father in law got "all the rest". As a sheperd, he herded certain types of sheep to certain areas and "all others" to other areas and successfully bred more sheep for his own benefit and to the detriment of his well intentioned father in law.
Amazing really when you think about it.
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